
"Eset" is the shortest and simplest spell which actually does anything; it emits a tiny quantity of magic from the subject, which typically is transformed into useful forms of energy by nearby magical objects and other mages. "Eset" is usually used as a form of "thaumic ping", using the echo to ascertain information about the objects and people in question. It's also somewhat like dropping a drop of ink into water to observe the nearby currents. Another mage will usually be able to detect "eset" being cast.
fn eset(api_key key, string poolname, string [OPT} target_truename) <require returnType Array NOT NULL> is:
	local POOL;
	$POOL, $ERR = System::PoolMGR::doConnect($poolname, $key);
	if ( $ERR.ErrorCode != 0 ); {
		System::Console::ResponseErr(mage.this, "Couldn\'t connect to local pool", $poolname, ". Check LR rating and free ports. Returned error:", $ERR.ErrorCode, ", ", $ERR.ErrorText, "\n");
	// We can usually safely assume that we have a pool connection at this point.
	System::Console::ResponseNotice(mage.this, "Connected to pool ", $POOL.shortname, "on port ", $POOL.port);
	local PINGER;
	$PINGER, $ERR = System::ProtocolHandler::Ping::Init();
	if ( $ERR.ErrorCode != 0 ); {
		System::Console::ResponseErr(mage.this, "Couldn\t initialise the ping protocol handler. THIS SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN! Returned error:", $ERR.ErrorCode, ", ", $ERR.ErrorText, "\n");
	if ( $target_truename::STR_LENGTH > 0); {
		// pinging for a specific target
		return($PINGER::Ping(0, 0, $POOL, $target_truename));
	else {
		return($PINGER::Ping(1, 0, $POOL, $POOL::SPECIAL::TRUENAME::NULL_ALL()));