On opposites, Fiction, and the Danger of 'Not Real'

Have you ever realised the nature of reality, Stardust? No, no, hold on, this isn't some rant from a girl too high to know what she's on about, that's an actual question. Have you? No? Ah well, that's ok. That's why you came to our spellbook, isn't it? Anyway. Onward! The act of defining “that which is” creates “that which it is not”. The act of defining fiction creates reality, and the act of defining (constraining) reality creates fiction. As fascists push queers, and immigrants, and everyone else that doesn't fit their soulless fractally-collapsing dreams of infinite suburbs with infinite SUVs and infinite “others” to punish and destroy, they fail to realise that by pushing people like this, they are creating the system that will destroy them. We're rambling, Stardust. But we suppose this is what this is all about, isn't it? All getting this stuff out into some kind of public form? We're no Octavia, now, we don't know all the things she does and we certainly don't have as sure a grasp on what the hell to do about all of this as she does, but we're learning. And as we learn, we'll share all of this with you. For Emma. For Ra. For all those creatures who aren't an infinite mess of self-gaslighting, for all those creatures who want to be more. We love you.